Admissions Process
Applications for the Academic year 2025-2026 are open!
Kindly fill in the Online Enquiry to initiate the admissions process and ensure that the necessary documents are uploaded thereafter. You will receive an SR number of successful completion of the online registration. The dates for the interview/ entrance test will be intimated to you via e-mail. Admission is granted on the basis of the interview/ entrance test.
Age guidelines for admission
- PreKG: 3 years old by 31st March.
- KG1: 4 years old by 31st March.
- KG2: 5 years old by 31st March.
- Grade 1: 6 years old by 31st March.
At the time of registration the following documents will be required:
- 1 copy of child’s passport, visa and Emirates ID
- 1 copy of both parent’s passport, visa and Emirates ID
- 1 copy of child’s birth certificate (English/Arabic)
- 2 recent passport size photographs of the child
- Two years of school reports including any learning support documents pertaining to your child’s educational needs. (for early years, please submit nursery reports if available)
- School Health Form (download here)
- For overseas students the original Emirates ID of child and both parents * this will be required at the time of enrolment.
- Transfer Certificate or School Leaving Certificate * this will be required at the time of enrolment
- Students coming from other Emirates other than Dubai, the Transfer/Leaving Certificate should be attested by the Ministry of Education of that Emirate.
- Students coming from GCC Countries, the Transfer/School Leaving Certificate should be attested by the Ministry of Education.
- Students coming from India the Transfer Certificate/Leaving Certificate need to be attested by the Education Officer of the Zone/District/Area from where the Certificate is obtained. The seal and signature of the Education Officer has to be verified by the Indian Consulate in Dubai and the UAE Foreign Affairs Ministry.
Attestation is not required for students transferring from schools in UK, US, Canada, Australia or Europe.
While we do not like to see anyone leave us, students who wish to withdraw from GEMS Modern Academy-Dubai must complete the online withdrawal process. A step-by-step guide on how to complete this process can be found here.
The completed Withdrawal along with a fee of AED 126/- for the Transfer Certificate (which can be paid online) is to be submitted to the school office after the online withdrawal process.
Admissions and Withdrawal Policy