No Plastic
We at Modern recognized the quantum of single use plastic generated and decided to work towards making our campus plastic free. We have over the past year, done away with single use plastic, in particular, water bottles and plastic cups and plates.
For a couple of years now, Team Kindergarten has been planning myriad activities to sensitise children about environmental issues. Students have been involved in various awareness campaigns such as the No Plastic campaign, Straws Wars, Beach Clean-up drive and special assemblies.
Blow to Balloons, was a unique and interesting campaign through which students learnt how balloons have a negative effect on the environment and thus came up with alternatives to balloons for decorating.
Children and parents participated in a beach clean-up drive organized by our Spectacular8 mums (A group of 8 mothers from Modern who have undertaken to spread awareness of SDG 14), along with ABCD (A Beach Clean-up Dubai) to help clean Kite Beach on the 13th of April, 2018. The cigarette butts collected were used to create Tilly the Turtle, who has been travelling not only around the school, but also around Dubai, raising awareness about the perils of marine debris and its impact on marine life. In fact, we now have little ‘Tillylings’ who have joined the awareness drive!
A group of enthusiastic young environmentalists initiated the ‘no straws campaign’ by visiting restaurants and convincing seventeen outlet managers to pledge their support towards the cause and sign the petition in an attempt to reduce their plastic footprint.